Review Policy: The Journal adopts double blind peer review policy. The paper will be evaluated by two subject experts to review the paper according to the norms of the journal and quality of the Research papers. If the paper requires necessary changes the same reviewer will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable. The reviewers will act objective to ensure the core quality of the journal. After the successful review every reviewer should extend their willingness that there is no conflict of interest. Reviewers are asked to point out relevant published work which is not yet cited in the article. They must keep the review process as confidential.

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Note: Authors are suggested to follow the norms of Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (IJAMAY) the MLA handbook 8th edition (English) to write the research paper.

Article Selection Policy: In every submission schedule of the month end, we receive more than hundred articles and we will publish 5-10 original written articles only. Editor’s decision is final in the selection of the articles.

Plagiarism Policies

Plagiarism Policy: The editorial panel is very strict regarding plagiarism. The Journal aims at regarding plagiarism as injustice to a scholar and destines to give proper credit to the ideas of scholar. So, proper citation is very important in the research papers. The editorial panel holds the sole authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript which contains minor or major plagiarism and may cancel the publication on complaint of plagiarism.

Plagiarism can occur in research articles when authors heavily reproduce material from various sources or fail to provide original thoughts, methodologies, and conclusions.

To guarantee the publication of original and high-quality research, we utilize plagiarism detection software. Our journal employs the services of Plagiarism Checker X, which scrutinizes both referenced and in-referenced materials for content duplication.

Research articles with a plagiarism rate exceeding 20% will not be published, and the authors will receive a plagiarism analysis report.