The Marvel of Moolaadé: A Profound Exploration of Women’s Rights and Tradition in Senegal

Introduction: Moolaadé, a compelling and impressive film directed by Ousmane Sembène, delves deep into the intricate dynamics of a small Senegalese village where tradition and modernity collide. This paper will explore the theme of women’s rights within the context of cultural traditions, the role of community, and spiritual beliefs. The film’s title, Moolaadé (protection), refers…


The Muladhara Chakra: A Multifaceted Exploration Across Embodiment, Psychology, and Neuroscience

The Muladhara Chakra: A Multifaceted Exploration Across Embodiment, Psychology, and Neuroscience The concept of the Muladhara Chakra, often translated as the “root chakra,” represents far more than a mere anatomical location at the base of the spine within traditional esoteric yogic systems. While commonly associated with the physical body and survival instincts, a deeper investigation…


The Benefits of Solar Namaskaram: Physical and Psychological Transformations through the Sun Salutation Practice

The Multifaceted Benefits of Surya Namaskar: A Holistic Approach to Well-being Surya Namaskar, often translated as Sun Salutation, is more than a mere sequence of physical postures; it is a comprehensive practice that integrates physical movement, breath control (pranayama), and mindful awareness, fostering a holistic approach to well-being. Rooted in ancient yogic traditions, this dynamic…


What is Double Blind Peer Review

Double-Blind Peer Review The purpose of double-blind peer review is to guarantee that published research is of high quality. It is the bedrock of all reputable research publications and serves as an unbiased assessment at the core of effective scholarly publishing. This rigorous process ensures that the merits of a research manuscript are evaluated based…


Aathiyoga actively seeks original research contributions, both literary and empirical, from scholars around the globe

The Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (ISSN: 3048-9822 Online) serves as a leading platform for interdisciplinary research in ancient medicine and yoga. Published monthly by the Department of Human Excellence at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College in Pollachi, Aathiyoga is committed to providing accessible and rigorous scholarship through its double-blind, peer-reviewed format. With…


Aathiyoga Journal Intro

The esteemed Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga, officially published by the Department of Human Excellence at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College in Pollachi, has marked a decade of significant contribution to its field. This double-blind, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary indexed journal publishes over 12 issues annually, comprising two regular volumes and a special issue. Providing…


தியான நடைமுறைகளின் விரிவாக்கப் பகுதி: குழந்தைகளின் கல்வியில் தியானத்தை ஒருங்கிணைத்தல்

சமீப ஆண்டுகளில் குழந்தைகளுக்கான தியானம் பிரபலமடைந்ததில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க எழுச்சியைக் கண்டுள்ளது, இளம் வயதிலிருந்தே நல்வாழ்வை வளர்ப்பதற்கும் அறிவாற்றல் திறன்களை மேம்படுத்துவதற்கும் அதன் திறனைப் பற்றிய வளர்ந்து வரும் விழிப்புணர்வை பிரதிபலிக்கிறது (கிராஸ்மேன் மற்றும் பலர்., 2004). இந்த போக்கு குறிப்பாக பெங்களூர் போன்ற நகர்ப்புற மையங்களில் தெளிவாகத் தெரிகிறது, அங்கு பல முன்னணி கல்வி நிறுவனங்கள் தங்கள் பாடத்திட்டங்களில் தியானப் பயிற்சிகளை இணைத்துள்ளன. சீரான கல்வி அழுத்தங்கள், போட்டி சூழல் மற்றும் தொழில்நுட்பத்தின் பரவலான செல்வாக்கு காரணமாக,…

Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (IJAMAY), ISSN: 3048-9822, is an online multidisciplinary journal

Online multidisciplinary journal for Yoga and Medicine

Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (IJAMAY), ISSN: 3048-9822, is an online multidisciplinary journal that publishes monthly scientific research focused on Yoga. The journal features original research articles, review articles, short communications, perspective pieces, case reports, and letters to the editor related to the field of Yoga. Its primary areas of interest include…


Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (AIJAMY): A Comprehensive Resource for Ancient Wisdom and Contemporary Practice

Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga (AIJAMY) is a groundbreaking multidisciplinary monthly electronic journal tailored to cater to the growing and dynamic community interested in the disciplines of ancient medicine and yoga. As the global interest in holistic health and wellness continues to surge, AIJAMY stands as a beacon for those seeking to…

Aathiyoga International Research Journal of Yoga and Ancient Indian Medicine

Invitation to Review for Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

The Aathiyoga Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga is excited to extend an invitation to researchers, practitioners, and academicians who are passionate about the field of yoga and its multifaceted dimensions. We are calling on you to consider joining our esteemed team of reviewers. This opportunity not only represents a significant personal achievement and…
